Sunday, October 30, 2005

Current book

I generally read about 2-3 books at a time, and I usually use my "fun" books as an excuse for not reading my MBA school books. Not a good habit.

One of the books I'm currently reading is The Lobster Chronicles by Linda Greenlaw. I generally do not read books about Maine (why read about where you grew up?) but this one caught my eye because 1) it was already sitting on our bookshelf, 2) it is about Isle au Haut and 3) it is about lobsters (in a way). I think everyone is fascinated by island life. Many people dream about living on an island away from it all, but, of course, very few of us will ever get the chance. This is probably a blessing in disguise as island life is not the easiest way of life, especially in Maine winters.

That is why I am really enjoying The Lobster Chronicles. It gives you a glimpse of island life from the perspective of a woman who grew up on the island, left to be an off-shore fisherman, and came home. For those of you not familiar with New England books and movies, Linda Greenlaw and her boat were portrayed in the The Perfect Storm and has written two other books about her experiences as a fisherman. The Perfect Storm is another great book that I have read and recommend by Sebastian Junger.

In addition to islands, I have always been fascinated by lobsters. My grandfather owned a fish market in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts and I remembering playing with the lobsters when I was a child as if they were my pets.

And the final reason I was interested in the book was because I have received submissions from an Isle au Haut resident. His website also gives a great glimpse of island life and has even more lobster information. So, if you are one of the many who dream of living on an island or are fascinated by lobsters, read Linda Greenlaw's book. It is a quick read but very enjoyable and she does use quite a few Mainah words. (:

Friday, October 14, 2005


is a rainy Friday night with a brand new Blog which I just told all my Mainah friends about...

So, I decided it was time to update the The Wicked Good Guide to Mainah English.

Lots of updates - new jokes, fixed links, and all of the suggestions that I had received since March (yes, March). Seven months is not the longest period of time I have gone without updating. I think I once had suggestions that were over a year old and when I emailed some of the submitters to thank them, their email no longer worked.

At least I now have a spot where I can quickly upload new suggestions until the next rainy Friday night...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Recent" suggestions

The most recent suggestions have been:

  • Taxationland, pretty obvious, right up there with Taxachusetts [Norma, Waldoboro, Native Mainah]

All from Alice (Borgen) Carleton, Old Town:

  • Spleeny-Jeannie....means cranky (wonder if it comes from the word: spleen--like a spleen actin' up or sumthin!)
  • Robin showah: Means a snowstorm in spring (Like when you shouldn't be gettin' any mowah snow!)
  • Dahkah than the inside of a pocket: No explanation needed!

All from Glenn Harmon, Portland:

  • By-the-Jesus (I'm not kidding around now)
  • By Godfrey (affirmative in the extreme)
  • Long Way Round Robin Hood's Barn (not taking the shortest route)
  • Slower Than Molasses Going Uphill in January (to take one's time)
  • Hotter than Living Haying time (wicked hot)
  • No More Sense than Carter's Got Liver Pills (not too clever)

All from Angie Hafford, Allagash:

  • Well there"- Moosetowner's way of saying "Well, ain't you ever full of sh*t!"
  • "Chop-chop!"- Moosetowner's way of saying "Hurry Up!" or "Quick!"
  • Fellers- (Moosetown lingo) A group of people.
  • Bogan (Bow-Gan)- (Moosetown lingo) A little pond like area with nasty water
  • Dog Days- (Moosetown lingo)Time in the fall when the waters are low and pretty dirty.
  • Jeslus (Gees-Luss)- (Moosetown lingo) "Them jeslus fellers!"
  • Anti-Christ- (Moosetown lingo) "Well you wouldn't look at that jeslus anti christ!"
  • G'way- Moosetowners way of saying "Go Away!"
  • Yas Now- (Moosetown lingo) Another way of saying "Well there!" Usually said after someone tells a tall tale or something that makes no sense.
  • Peeked (Peak-Ed) - (Moosetown lingo) Sharp, to a point, peeked!! Usually used as "the peeked part" or describing someone to have a peeked face.
  • Frogs- Nickname for the St. Francis and Fort Kenter's
  • Blueberries- Nickname for the St. Johner's
  • Cheesetown- AKA: Van Buren
  • Swampdonkey- Moose

History of the Mainah Glossary

I honestly do not remember when I first started the Mainah Glossary, but the Internet Archive Wayback Machine has one of my original glossary sites from 1996 with about 60 words. As of today, there are over 300 words in the Mainah Glossary.

And, yes, I still use mid-90s html to keep it going - no frames, flash, java, etc. It keeps it easy to copy, email, and print and I still get visitors suggesting new words each month. Content is better than style, if you ask me.

What I have been bad at is keeping it updated. I get suggestions but I don't find the 20 minutes to update the glossary. This site isn't going to replace the glossary (and I do hope to have my own domain soon!), but it will let anyone who visits here to see what new words have been suggested and hopefully comment on them. Stories make the suggestions all the better.

Next up - "recent" suggestions that I haven't added (yet).